A love letter to 2019

Alex Papadopoulos
2 min readJan 2, 2020

Dear 2019,

People say you were terrible. And I can’t really disagree, because in a lot of ways, man, you fucked shit up. The world is collapsing, and you just stood there calm and content, being the year you are, and waited. I’m pretty sure you, too, were tired of humanity’s shit. And, honestly, I don’t blame you.

This letter is not to throw shit at you though, surprisingly enough. Because you see, for me, and probably for a bunch of other people, 2019 was the most exciting year of our lives. You literally changed my life, and I will always be grateful for that.

For me, 2019 started with gender confirmation surgery, which was insane in its own way, and ended with a plan of what I want to do with my life, and a year (and three months) on testosterone, which — I mean, wow.

Thank you, 2019, for teaching me how to love myself.

You showed me how to pay attention to the things that matter and leave behind the ones that don’t.
You allowed me to remove toxic people from my life, and get mental health bonus points for that.
You helped me to grow, and change, and evolve in a person that I am proud to be.
You gave me confidence to change the things I didn’t like, and replace them with things I love.

Dude, you gave me a beard! How cool is that!

2019, I don’t know how this will sound to you, but you Sir, you gave me good mental health. For the first time in more than 15 years.

So, thank you.

And thank you for all the friends, and all the experiences, and all the amazing things we did together.

I owe you one.



Alex Papadopoulos

User Researcher & Designer, PhD Adventurer, Full-Time advocate of making the world suck less.